Thursday, July 18, 2019

My 4 IDEAL Philosophical Principles of Life

I've been living long enough, experienced a lot of things, did things that AREN'T and are beneficial to me. But I've also seen people fail in life, and ended up letting themselves go, drowning themselves into their horrible faith. Of all the 22 years in my life, I've develop and trained myself a really complex way of thinking about how to live a lot better in this post modern world. Philosophy has helped shape the way I think of life, to the point I've manage to come up 4 IDEAL PRINCIPLES OF LIFE that I've been following since I was 18 years old.


Responsibility is an IMPORTANT key factor in my opinion. In every aspects of life, responsibility is needed in order to be a functional human being, which is why I think that being responsible is an ideal principle of living. Let me give you an example;

Drinking and smoking is something that is frowned upon in every society. For me, there is nothing wrong about people involve in drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco. BUT, this harmful behavior needs to be carried out RESPONSIBLY. If you notice, in every pack of cigarettes or a bottle of alcohol, there always be a notice saying "DRINK RESPONSIBLY" or "SMOKE RESPONSIBLY". You can also see that on the packaging of these harmful substance, small notices saying what you shouldn't be doing while consuming the products. That means that these harmful substances can be limited in terms of its bad effects if we handle them with responsibility.

So, being responsible in anything we do is one of the ideal principles of life since applying it to our everyday life will reduce our exposure towards the bad effects in every situation, consumption, or behavior.


This second point is a bit related to the first point, but it's a little more detailed. Let me explain.

If you Google the meaning of MODERATION, you will stumble across it's meaning in the PHRASES SECTION where it stated that "in moderation - withing reasonable limits; not to excess". But in real application, what does that really mean? And how does it look like?

Let's say you're in a diet and you wan't to lose weight. Is wrong to eat that ONE PIECE OF COOKIE lying around the kitchen? Is it wrong to eat fast food like Kentucky Fried Chicken every weekend? Is it wrong to eat 3 pieces of candy a day while on a diet? My answer is : NO, BUT ONLY IF YOU KEEP IT IN MODERATION. Eating one piece of cookie will not make you gain fat in a day, so does eating KFC every weekend, and so does eating 3 pieces of candy everyday. BUT REMEMBER! KEEP IT IN MODERATION. If you want to eat KFC every weekend, make sure you eat only to satisfy your cravings, not as BREAKFAST, LUNCH, AND DINNER every weekend. One cookie is enough to satisfy your sweet tooth cravings. And a few pieces of candy is also enough. This also applies to healthy food. MODERATION IS KEY.

In terms of lifestyle, moderation plays apart in how we look like. We don't need to abide by societies demand, that we need to look rich, beautiful, religious (if you live in a religious society), and show it off on social media. Showing off on social media about the things that you have to other people, in my opinion, is a BAD INFLUENCE towards society, especially young people. It will cause them to develop a materialistic ideology, causing them to become selfish, arrogant, and wasteful. But, if you live in a moderate lifestyle, even if you have alot of money and wealth, you'll definitely life a peaceful minded life, because you only have the things YOU NEED, NOT WHAT YOU WANTED.

So, in conclusion, moderation is key. We only need to abide to the things we need, not the things we wanted. Both are different things, learn to understand it.


We never knew what others have gone through. You see someone being toxic, being rude, doing things that are unacceptable towards society. But do you ever ask, why?

We never knew their story, and sadly we never try to find the reason until either they speak up or it is too late. Understanding peoples life story will definitely give an advantage for them because it is easier for us to help them get out in what horrible situation that they we're in.

For example, you notice that your classmate or colleagues slacking behind their work and this has been on for a few weeks. You see them not being able to do their work even the fact that you've known that they we're excellent in terms of work performance. Instead of bad mouthing them for drastically changing and being different from who they are, ask them, sit down and talk to them, offer help, and try to understand better their situation. Give them advises if they're having trouble with their lives. The main point is, understand their situation first by VIEWING IT IN THEIR PERSPECTIVE.


You don't need to be a historian or a philosopher to understand this. The truth changes based on what evidence that existed. This doesn't only apply in the academical field, but also in our daily lives.

The straight answer is DON'T BELIEVE IN EVERYTHING THAT YOU SEE. This one probably is a bit related to the third point of this article, but again, I'll explain it in detail.

What ever you saw on the internet, what ever you read on the internet, what you heard from your colleagues, never accept it as the truth. Question it, is it true, how far is it from the truth? Think about it critically. I always do this every time I hear something new pops up. Like for example, you read an article that claims that you can lose weight within a month by eating "ABC" pills everyday, or doing some exercise. Alot of people, unfortunately, fall for this types of things without questioning its legitimacy or the truth behind this. If you see this types of article or post on the internet, especially if it's posted by some blogger like me, do some research. Google is free, don't be lazy.

But sometimes it gets complicated, especially if it involves something that is subjective. I've seen alot of people sharing articles on social media regarding history, anthropology, politics, economy, and other subjective related topics and issue. People tend to believe what they're sharing is an absolute truth, without realizing that the facts will change from time to time according to the evidence.

So what does this have to do with living? Based on the other three points that I've discuss in this article, this point changes your view about it. Do you believe on the things that is discussed on the first three points in this article? Do you have other opinions regarding on this article? That is the point of this article, there is no such things as absolute truth. The truth changes according to the evidence and also on how you think about it. You have the freedom to think about it base on rationality and logics. You have the power to determine on how you should live, not society, but with the exception that you don't cause trouble or harm to others directly.


These are all my FOUR IDEAL PHILOSOPHICAL PRINCIPLES OF LIFE. I apologize if it's to hard to understand. It took me long to understand life better, and how to live peacefully without bothering others. The main goal in our life is to live as peacefully as possible. Life is always a struggle, and peace is something worth to fight for. We're human beings, we need something to struggle for, something to be in conflict for. I hope that this article helps you find peace in your life.

Written by,


Friday, July 12, 2019

My Form 6 life : Post - Graduation Confession

This post is dedicated to the ones who are still in Form 6, or are entering Form 6. I wrote this back in 2017 after my graduation. I graduated from Kolej Tingkatan Enam Kota Kinabalu (Kota Kinabalu Form 6 College) which is a center a for Form 6 Students. Here it goes.


Before entering Form 6, I had doubts about it. I didn't think that I could become one of the best students. Even when I have been accepted to KT6KK (Kolej Tingkatan Enam Kota Kinabalu), there are still people that gave negative comments about Form 6 as it is the most hardest public examinations in Malaysia. I was told straight in the face that I wont even survive 6 months of Form 6.

So let me tell you my story. The First Semester of STPM was easy. I quickly got adapted to the colleges atmosphere. I started making more friends who are really incredible people from other Middle Schools. The lecturers were awesome, because they treated us more like friends than students.

Second semester, joined the Colleges Student Representative Council (Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar KT6KK). Best decision of my life so far. Being with the MPP members thought me a lot more about friendship and the importance of understanding each other. We never gave on each other as we understood clearly on the consequences that would befall upon us if we did. Coursework, on the other hand, was really a pain in the ass because it wasn't like your normal middle school assignments where you can just copy and paste right of the internet. NO. You have to actually get out of your comfort zone and go to places that you've never been before in order to find the specific information relevant to your coursework. Lecturers were amazing as always. They never gave up on you and tried the best they could to help you finish the coursework, but by only giving hints and and advises on how to do it properly. This is crucial so that the student can embrace the learning process that they gained from the data earned. But as much of the positivity that existed in the second semester, it was too much of a burden since a lot of us have to sacrifice our exam results in order to satisfy the needs of our coursework.

Third semester, juniors came in. A lot more coursework. And a lot more friends dropping out because they couldn't take the pressure. Third semester was less stressful because of the fun full activities that were organized. Sports carnival, teachers day, Grand Scale Hari Raya celebration. Meeting more younger friends. It gave us a very nostalgic feeling seeing the juniors coming to college with high spirits because we were the same like them when we first started. As examination comes closer, we started thinking about our fate after graduating. We talked about it with a very philosophical touch. No one was ready to say goodbye, no one was prepared to shake hands and leave.

Then ,examination starts, 3rd Semester exam, just in a blink of an eye.

Have you ever thought about the hardships you've gone through in just 1 and a half year, and just thought to yourself, "It's gonna be over soon, what will happen?"

On the 20th April 2017, I graduated from the same college that helped me shaped to become a good student that knows how to view the world in every different aspects and perspective.

To all my comrades, I wish you farewell. You guys thought me more about friendship and the importance of it .To the lecturers, I couldn't thank you enough for always being there with me during the times of hardships.


Thank you for recognizing me for my small achievements when I was still in college. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to represent 223 college graduates just to show gratitude to the college.
Thank you, for everything. KOUNSIKAHAN.
Happy Graduation Day, KT6KK Students of 2015/2016.

I am currently in my final year of universiti. Form 6 has prepared me so that I can endure the harsh university life. It is ALOT different from Form 6, but I'm not afraid to say that Form 6 was the reason that I manage to survive university life.

To the ones who are still doubting about entering Form 6, give it a try. You'll never know if you didn't try it.

Written honestly by,

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Politik Mahasiswa (Perjuangan Baru Bermula : Keputusan PRKampus)

1. Tarikh 17 Oktober 2018 merupakan tarikh keramat yang ditunggu oleh calon-calon PRK Universiti Malaysia Sabah.

2. Sepanjang tempoh berkempen, para calon telah menggunakan pelbagai sumber seperti media sosial, kaedah "gantung poster", dan juga berkempen secara live.

3. Usaha yang keras sentiasa membawa hasil, di mana calon yang rajin mendekatkan diri mereka dengan mahasiswa sebelum bubarnya barisan kepimpinan mahasiswa yang dahulu amat membantu mereka dalam mendapatkan kepercayaan mahasiswa yang lain.

4. Saya amat berpuas hati dengan keputusan PRK kali ini, dengan adanya wajah-wajah baharu dalam kelompok kepimpinan mahasiswa bercampur dengan individu-individu yang pernah berkhidmat dalam aktiviti mahasiswa.

5. Jika dibandingkan dengan tahun lepas, barisan kepimpinan teratas (Majlis Tertinggi MPP) majoritinya terdiri daripada pemimpin-pemimpin dari kumpulan MERAH. Hal ini disebabkan oleh berlakunya kegiatan cantas-mencantas calon PRK yang BUKAN pro-pentadbiran.

6. Pada kali ini juga, peratusan mahasiswa yang turun mengundi juga tidak memuaskan, dengan jumlah peratusan sebanyak 43.43% (mohon betulkan jika salah) sahaja mahasiswa yang turun mengundi. Perkara ini berlaku atas beberapa faktor, dan salah satu faktor utamanya ialah kegagalan pihak penganjur PRK dalam memberikan markah Student Development Point (MySDP) pada tahun-tahun yang lepas sehingga menimbulkan rasa tidak puas hati dalam kalangan mahasiswa. Perkara ini juga telah menyebabkan segelintir golongan mahasiswa untuk MEMBOIKOT PRK kali ini.

7. Selain itu, beberapa buah peristiwa juga telah menjadi pemangkin kepada kemenangan dan juga kekalahan calon-calon yang bertanding. Sebagai contoh, pada jam 1 PM bertempat di salah satu pusat mengundi, sekumpulan mahasiswa telah melancarkan satu demonstrasi awam menuntut agar pihak penganjur menyelesaikan isu-isu yang telah timbul ketika proses pengundian seperti kewujudan pengundi hantu dan juga ketiadaan informasi pelajar di dalam sistem daftar mengundi.
7.1 Sudah tentu peristiwa seperti ini meninggalkan pelbagai persepsi tentang calon-calon PRK yang mewakili kumpulan tersebut, sama ada negatif mahupun positif.

8. Namun begitu, keputusan PRK pada sesi kali ini memperlihatkan bahawa kampus kita sedang berusaha untuk mengaplikasikan konsep demokrasi dalam kepimpinan mahasiswa secara hati-hati. Persoalannya, mengapa mereka perlu berbuat demikian? Adakah pihak atasan masih tidak mempercayai kebolehan mahasiswa dalam menerajui kepimpinan mahasiswa? Tepuk dada tanya selera.

9. Dengan itu, bersama-samalah kita mengambil ikhtibar daripada peristiwa-peristiwa yang berlaku sepanjang tempoh Pilihan Raya Kampus ini. Walaubagaimanapun, coretan saya berkenaan tentang dunia Politik Mahasiswa ini tidak berakhir di sini sahaja. Politik berlaku di mana-mana sahaja jikalau ia melibatkan bidang pengurusan dan pentadbiran.

Dengan itu, saya akhiri penulisan saya pada malam ini.
Sekian, Terima Kasih.

Perintis Sejarahwan.